Spring Skin

Oct 15, 2018

Spring Skin

Time for a Spring catch up!

We have been very busy lately. I thought I would tell you what we see pets for at this time of the year.

I spend most of my day at this time of the year looking under a microscope. What am I looking at? Mostly swabs from infected ears, but also of infected feet and skin fold areas. Why? Because of allergies, mostly.

In my experience, approximately 80%(0r more!) of all ear infections are due to underlying allergies. I spend a lot of time explaining that if we don’t manage the underlying allergy the ear infections will recur. Sadly, even with the best management of allergies, sometimes the ear infections can not be completely stopped from recurring. We can, almost always, make significant improvements.

Allergies are very frustrating. They are frustrating for your pet, for you and often for the vet. Why? Your pet is uncomfortable. You are spending money. The vet can’t cure it, only manage the problem.

You can not cure allergies. You can only manage allergies. Unless you get really lucky and you move away from the cause of the allergy, even then, technically you haven’t changed the pet’s allergic condition, you have just avoided it. It’s very fortunate if that happens for you.

So, if you don’t have plans to move to the North or South Poles where there are no plants growing, no house dust mites and no fleas, we probably have to make some allergy management plans.

There are heaps and heaps of ways to manage and improve allergic conditions. No pet has the same management plan. But, there are some good rules of thumb and places to start. There is a method we use to create a strategy for each individual pet’s concerns and your financial resources.

The good news is that there are many things we can do. I often hear from clients, “I have tried EVERYTHING”. Well, almost every time, I find something they have not tried.

There are dermatology specialists for pets. Yep! If we can’t find a solution we will offer you a referral. That happens, but not too often. We have a lot of experience and if we take the time with you to unravel your pet’s patterns of allergies, we can often create a management plan.

So, if your little furry family member is showing signs of allergies like scratching, licking, rubbing, shaking head/ears, red skin….come and see us! We are here to help!

As always, I hope we don’t have to see you, but if you need us…that’s what we are here for!!