What dogs eat, but should not!

Dec 2, 2016

What dogs eat, but should not!

Hey everybody! Just when I think I have seen it all….

This week we encountered a new situation. Now, I have been a vet for just over 20 years, and I have never had a dog eat this…a mango pit/pip!! I am surprised, because there are plenty of mango trees in the area and we love our mangoes in Australia. I phoned my colleague Dr Andrew Warman to see if he had managed this situation before and he had not either.

The dilemma we had, was to determine if there was a non-surgical way, that was safe, to get it out. We phoned our good friends at the Veterinary Specialist Services and we asked them if they thought using an endoscope was a good bet, the said probably not. What about making him vomit? That was risky, as it could get stuck on the way back out, but worth a try. We tried that, no luck.

So, off to surgery to remove the mango pip. Dr Andrew Warman was the surgeon at Kingscliff Vet Hospital and he got it out with no complications. Happy ending, expensive mango!!!

Any guesses what breed it was………….Labrador! It’s always a Labrador!!!Ha!Ha!!

The poor family, they didn’t have a chance. They were cutting up the mango when the slippery pip hit the floor and the ever present “labrahoover” was ready to pounce and sucked it down in one go with not a single chew!!

Timely reminder to think about what we should not feed our pets.

No cooked bird bones, large cooked bones in general are risky, the cob of corn, skewers, rocks, fish bones, sand, aluminum foil, string that has been around meats or other tasty items….if you have a labrador, sorry but the list is ENDLESS!! I have taken an entire bath mat out of a Lab’s stomach and socks are a delicacy!!

Have a great weekend and a dog safe kitchen and BBQ!!