Animal Friends

Nov 12, 2016

Animal Friends
Animal Friends - Ford Madox Brown “Chaucer at the court of Edward III 1847

Ford Madox Brown “Chaucer at the court of Edward III 1847

This detail is from a painting by Ford Madox Brown “Chaucer at the court of Edward III 1847” hanging in The Galley of New South Wales.

When the world seems to not be going your way, our animal friends are a soothing balm.

Norman Rockwell was an American artist and he painted this one.

The human animal bond is a a strong feeling that is mysterious and very personal thing.

I get asked often, as does every veterinarian, “how did you know you wanted to be a vet?” or some version of that. My answer has always been, “It is my vocation.” Vocation is defined as a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation. That’s kind of hard for me to expand upon without getting spiritual or deep in the heart.

I assume, if you are reading this, you have a love for animals. You have chosen to bring them into your lives one way or another.

Sometimes, things get unbalanced and the animals in our lives can become just another mouth to feed, or another chore…”I HAVE TO walk the dog!”.

Take some time this week to reconnect your relationship with your animal friend, more than just feeding, watering, walking, changing litter trays, etc.

They love you.

Animal Friends - Norman Rockwell Boy and Dog

Norman Rockwell Boy and Dog