Prevention is better…

Mar 2, 2017

Prevention is better…

The old saying goes “Prevention is better than cure.” As we race away from the past and towards everything new, we need to slow down and recall wisdom already learned.

The current trend of risk management, generally speaking, is to solve the problem once it has already happened. The paradigm of “High Risk=High Reward” is the new mantra. Some things may be worth the risk. Is your health or the health of your family pet worth the risk.

It amazes me that many pet owners make decisions to not use prevention to control heartworm disease, intestinal parasites, vaccinations/etc. A common complaint is cost. Too much money needed for these preventions. Veterinarians are too expensive.

Sure, it costs, and everybody has budgets. The thing is, nobody made anybody chose to become the carer for a pet. To be blunt, we spend more of our precious financial resources on our cars(insurance, regular servicing, tyres, windshield wipers, car detailing, petrol…blah blah blah). True, veterinary fees are rising. Fees are rising because demand for advance diagnostics and treatments are rising and those services cost more to provide. We want the best for our pets when they are not well, and fair enough! The problem is, the government does not have Medicare for pets. Maybe some day…in an alternate reality!! Priorities.

Most of you reading this already get it, you are reading this blog because you already have a made a huge commitment to your pets. Good job! Keep up the good work.

We are here to help you do the best you can. Veterinarians are your partners in keeping your pets healthy. We are not in this profession to get you to do things that are not in the best interest of your pet’s health. The truth is, we are on your side. If you do not have that relationship with us as your veterinarians then we need to repair your faith in us.

The internet and Dr Google has made everybody more educated. I used to see that as a negative. People thinking they know how to be a vet after reading an article on the internet! Incredulous!! I don’t feel like that now. Instead, let’s take the eagerness to figure out how best to help your pet and together work out the best way forward.

So, old wisdom…regular doctor visits, good diets, exercise, weight loss, reduce stress to prevent many ailments for your pets and yourself.

See you soon, when you need us to make it better.

Dr Matt